We speak about BALI
Bali preserved its Hindou religion
The cost of living is much lower that in France, 60% approximately
The prices of foodstuffs is very low, unbeatable. It's easy to find foodstuffs
On local market. However manufactured goods are expensive, equal prices
In France.
A meal in local restaurant costs from 4€ to 6€, one coffee 0,40€
It's recommanded to drink only bottled water.
The internet connection isn't still very reliable. For a good connection,
The price is from 18€ to 25€
The cost of oil less than for France (43%)
To have an amployee, it costs 100USD a month
Prices of Real Estate are competitive
Example: A big house furnished with swimming pool and garden costs
From 180 000€ to 300 000€
Important: in Indonesia a foreigner cannot be an landowner.
Financial system
The financial system is strong and wasn't by the economic crisis in 2008
The local currency is Rupee (IDR). 1€ = 16 390 IDR
Local taxation
of the highly-rated of the tax system, Bali is a very tempting destination.
If you get your retired man's visa, you Will be considered as permanent resident by the indonesian authorities. Then it Will be necessary to register
For you with fiscal local service to have taxpayer's number.
The icome tax is progressive with max. of 30% beyond 30000€
The taxable base is wide. She consists of the set of income except retirement pensions to be declared in France and of the product of your movable and real estate assets except your income of French landed property to be declared in France. The interests and the dividends are then subjected to the general diet, the movable and real estate capital gains are also subdued to the general system. However neither the capital is taxed nor its transmission. No wealth taxes and no inheritance rights.
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