real estate products
Very nice property for sale in Jamaica

Very nice property for sale in Jamaica

Very nice property for sale in Jamaica!
The Tryall Gardens is a paradise corner lot located next to the water with beautiful beaches.

The property is about approximately 3600 square feet and the two story home is a spacious 2400 square feet

real estate products
Retire in Belize

Retire in Belize

Belize has one of the world’s best retiree programs. Through the Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) Program, the government gives qualified retirees an exemption from taxes on all income derived from sources outside Belize, whether such income is earned or passive, and whether or not it is remitted to Belize.

real estate products
Real Estate in Detroit

Real Estate in Detroit

  • Property from US$ 41,000
  • Already tenanted
  • Rental returns 16% to 19.2% net
  • Prices at their lowest since 1993
  • High capital gains
  • Newly refurbished
  • High quality, 3-bedroom, brick built homes meeting government standards
  • Easy to manage, hassle free investment