real estate products
The Time To Invest In Detroit Is Now

The Time To Invest In Detroit Is Now

Detroit’s recovery has started and investment in real estate promises great returns. For those willing to buy and hold, the potential for returns is higher than any other city in the United States. Since the city made it through bankruptcy proceedings, it has taken serious initiatives to invite investors back.

real estate products
Portugal  Golden Residency Permit Program Continues to Gain Momentum

Portugal Golden Residency Permit Program Continues to Gain Momentum

Over the last several years, unprecedented political and economic instability has affected countries all over the world. With the recent immigration ban issued by Donald Trump, obtaining residency or citizenship beyond the United States has never been more crucial. Although permanent residency and second citizenship programs originated as a way for immigrant investors to not only contribute to foreign economies but gain more travel freedom, opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs have since increased tenfold across Europe. Today, countries like Malta, Cyprus, and Portugal have joined the ranks in the Residency and Citizenship by Investment market and offer applicants and their families a path to a brighter future.